
Wednesday 30 June 2021

The health benefits of African breadfruit {ukwa} during pregnancy

 Contrary to widespread beliefs, Ukwa does not cause pregnancy loss or miscarriage.

A pregnant woman can eat Ukwa from early pregnancy till delivery.

💥Ukwa is rich in folic acid which helps prevent congenital birth defects like spina bifida and brain malformations in unborn babies.

💥 Eating Ukwa helps prevent pregnancy induced acne.

💥Ukwa is rich in dietary fiber and helps maintain weight loss in pregnancy

💥Ukwa treats constipation in pregnant women and promotes bowel health because of its fibre content.

💥Ukwa usually added to the meal plan of pregnant women with gestational diabetes since it helps maintain and lower blood sugar.

💥Ukwa is rich in vitamin B1 which is necessary for the development of the brain and nervous system of your unborn child.

💥Since breadfruit or Ukwa is rich in iron, it helps in the production of hemoglobin, production of red blood cells, and treats anemia in pregnancy.

💥 Protein is essential for the growth and development of both the pregnant woman and the unborn baby. Ukwa being rich, supply the necessary amount of proteins needed for the growth and development of the foetus in the mother's womb.

💥Ukwa provide the necessary energy needed for the day to day activities of the pregnant woman.

💥Ukwa contains vitamin A which promotes good eyesight and the development of the eyes in the unborn baby.

💥The high vitamin C content of ukwa make sure it promotes the development of healthy skin,promotes collagen formation and wound healing, promotes the absorption of iron from the gut and boosts the immune system.

💥 The omega 3 and fatty acids help the fetus grow optimally.

Is ukwa good for pregnant women? Yes. Enjoy your breadfruit meal in pregnancy. It is beneficial to both your unborn baby and you.

Eat healthy, stay safe.

Sunday 13 June 2021

The amazing nutritional benefits of moringa lemongrass and ginger tea.


Moringa, Lemongrass & Ginger Tea.

Amazingly nutritious superfood, The Moringa tree has been used for thousands of years, as far back as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans for its time honored properties. With the added benefits of gut friendly Lemongrass and Ginger, this Moringa tea recipe supplies nutrients that are mind blowing.

It contains all the essential amino acids and its a powerful source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. It is rich in vitamins & minerals, omega 3,6 & 9 and naturally caffeine-free.

Infused with Lemongrass and Ginger makes for an extremely powerful gut friendly tea. Both have been used by ancient ayurvedics of India to improve “the digestive fire”.

 Combined, the three medicinal plants work synergistically and effectively to rebalance the intestinal flora whilst preserving the beneficial bacteria.

Containing amino acids, vitamins and calciums – this nutritious plants is one of the traditional apothecary holy grail that becomes a natural resource of energy boost. Although most of the parts are edible, but it is the leaves that are highly sought after. It is touted as the wonder veggies due to the ability to cure ailments. These restorative properties have made Moringa one of the best botanical in the world.

•Relieving anxiety.

•Lowering cholesterol.

•Preventing infection.

•Boosting oral health.

•Relieving pain.

•Boosting red blood cell levels.

•Relieving bloating.

•Treats Arthritis: Moringa contains anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. ...

•Prevents Cancer.

•Reduces Cholesterol.

•Treats Headaches.

•Reduces Hypertension.

•Soothes The Stomach.

•Keeps The Liver Safe.

•Helps With Anaemia.

The delicious fresh tea contains antibacterial properties that becomes an ailment for various disorders like irritable bowel syndromes, or menstrual cramps. It is able to detoxify our body due to the antimicrobial property. Other essentials of Lemongrass Moringa tea include a dose of Vitamin A, B and C. this is a great source of nutrients that your body requires daily to replenish cells and help it functions better.

The bright citrus note is a calming scent for the mind. Lemongrass features in many Balinese cuisines. Whether it is fresh chopped or dried – you can make use of the wonder stems to provide relief physically and mentally. A refreshing cup loaded with nutritious benefits is all you need after a long day.

Both Moringa and Lemongrass makes a blend of goodness filled with health nourishments. Moringa provides essential nutrients. Lemongrass has the ability to reduce stress. Together, Lemongrass and Moringa tea uplifts mood delightfully while nourishing your body with vitamins and minerals you need to stay youthful inside and out. The thirst quencher with immune boosting property and antioxidant compounds that cleanse toxins out and regulate blood circulation.

Tea with a good vibe only !

Looking for something fresh in the morning? Brew a Lemongrass Moringa and ginger tea and let it support your mind with a relaxing sip..

A great way to start the day!

And the best part, it´s caffeine free!

This easy to drink tea can be taken with honey or lemon as per taste.

Also delicious as iced tea.

Enjoy the benefits!

Get your daily serving of healthy tea with Lemongrass Moringa and ginger Tea.

Eat healthy, stay safe.

Health benefits of African breadfruit (Ukwa) during pregnancy

African Breadfruit, (Ukwa) as it is called by the Igbo's is a tree, the seeds and fruit of breadfruit are eaten as food,the roots, leaves, and latex are used to make medicine.

Like other tropical fruits, African breadfruit or Ukwa in Igbo is an edible traditional fruit, it is related to other exotic fruits like breadnut, jackfruit, figs and mulberries.

In Nigeria, it is eaten as a main course dish and its seed are of particular interest because of their high nutritional value.

Breadfruit is highly sought after due to its medicinal properties, it contains moderate levels of essential vitamins and minerals.

Contrary to widespread beliefs, Ukwa does not cause pregnancy loss or miscarriage.

A pregnant woman can eat Ukwa from early pregnancy till delivery; let's glance through these obvious reasons.

💥Ukwa is rich in folic acid which helps prevent congenital birth defects like spina bifida and brain malformations in unborn babies.

💥 Eating Ukwa helps prevent pregnancy induced acne.

💥Ukwa is rich in dietary fiber and helps maintain weight loss in pregnancy

💥Ukwa treats constipation in pregnant women and promotes bowel health because of its fibre content.

💥Ukwa usually added to the meal plan of pregnant women with gestational diabetes since it helps maintain and lower blood sugar.

💥Ukwa is rich in vitamin B1 which is necessary for the development of the brain and nervous system of your unborn child.

💥Since breadfruit or Ukwa is rich in iron, it helps in the production of hemoglobin, production of red blood cells, and treats anemia in pregnancy.

💥 Protein is essential for the growth and development of both the pregnant woman and the unborn baby. Ukwa being rich, supply the necessary amount of proteins needed for the growth and development of the foetus in the mother's womb.

💥Ukwa provide the necessary energy needed for the day to day activities of the pregnant woman.

💥Ukwa contains vitamin A which promotes good eyesight and the development of the eyes in the unborn baby.

💥The high vitamin C content of ukwa make sure it promotes the development of healthy skin, promotes collagen formation and wound healing, promotes the absorption of iron from the gut and boosts the immune system.

💥 The omega 3 and fatty acids help the fetus grow optimally.

Is ukwa good for pregnant women? Yes. Enjoy your breadfruit meal in pregnancy. It is beneficial to both your unborn baby and you.

Eat healthy, stay safe.

Chef kels

Thursday 10 June 2021

The health benefits and uses of African breadfruit {ukwa}

Like other tropical fruits, African breadfruit or Ukwa in Igbo is an edible traditional fruit, it is related to other exotic fruits like breadnut, jackfruit, figs and mulberries.

In Nigeria, it is eaten as a main course dish and its seed are of particular interest because of their high nutritional value.

Breadfruit is highly sought after due to its medicinal properties, it contains moderate levels of essential vitamins and minerals.

The fresh seed contains 38.3% carbohydrate, 15.9% fat and 17.7% crude protein. It also can be used as an alternative to rice and yam.

Ukwa is such a versatile food with a natural delicious flavour. The fruit can be roasted, baked, fried and even boiled before consumption. The flesh of the breadfruit has a nice fragrance and a sweet taste. It can be cooked plain without any ingredient, not even salt, and it will taste great especially when prepared with fresh Ukwa. It can be roasted and eaten with coconut or palm kernel. It can also be prepared as a porridge.

Some of its health benefit includes:

•Cardiovascular Health: Breadfruit is an excellent source of potassium. This heart-friendly nutrient reduces blood pressure in the body and regulates the heart rate by minimizing the effects of sodium. It conducts electrical charges that drive muscular contraction in the skeletal system including the heart. Dietary fiber helps reduce cholesterol by preventing its absorption in the gut. It lowers bad cholesterol (LDL), while elevating good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. It decreases the triglyceride levels, which is one of the main causes of heart attacks.

•Source of Energy: One cup of breadfruit provides 60 grams of carbohydrates, the primary source of energy in the body.

•Resistance against infections: Breadfruit contains good amounts of antioxidants, which help the body to develop resistance against infections. It also scavenges harmful free radicals from the body that lead to aging and other age-related diseases.

•Prevents Excessive Skin Inflammation: Fresh breadfruit extracts may help to reduce unwanted inflammation. It inhibits the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes and prevents the overproduction of nitric oxides, thus preventing excessive inflammation.

•Encourages New Cell Growth: The antioxidants in breadfruit provide an effective shield against sun rays and sun damage. It also encourages the growth of new cells to make the damaged skin appear smooth and young.

•Treats Skin Diseases: The latex of the breadfruit tree is applied on skin surfaces affected by skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis and inflammation.

Eat healthy, stay safe.

Chef kels...

Wednesday 9 June 2021

The medicinal/herbal properties of Amaranth greens.

Amaranth Greens.

Amaranth greens is a nutritious edible leafy vegetable that is simply called ''green'' in Nigeria, it is present in several dishes in our indigenous (Nigerian) delicacies.
They are used for soups, stews, stir-fries, side dishes, curries, salads and drinks.

Amaranth greens has 60-70 species, they are cultivated for their leaves, seeds and as ornamental plants, widely used for traditional medicine due to its numerous herbal benefits.
They are cheap, prolific and resilient, available all year round.

The numerous health benefits of Amaranth greens are as follows-

*Aids digestion and helps prevent constipation.
*It is used for dental care, ie as a mouthwash and in the treatment of sore throat, mouth ulcers and swollen gum.
*Prevents hair loss and premature greying.
*It has high calcium content.
*It helps prevent anaemia because they are high in iron, Vitamins A, B6 and folate.
*It is a remedy for skin allergies, acne, eczema and general skin health.
*It's a good source of Folic acid which is essential during pregnancy for the well-being of the mother and baby, Folic acid is also necessary for the growth and prevention of birth defects in babies.
*It helps in lowering blood sugar in type 2 diabetes, the protein also helps control insulin level in the blood.
*It doesn't contain cholesterol but phytosterol, helps prevent coronary heart disease.
*It helps prevent hypertension.
*It aids normal muscle and nervous system function.
*Its high in beta-carotene which is essential for eye health.
*Its a good source of zinc which is essential for healthy immune system.
*It is gluten-free and aids in weight loss.
NOTE-- Amaranth greens is high in oxalic acid which is not good for people suffering from kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Have you had some ''greens'' lately?
Eat healthy, stay safe.

Health benefits of Ofor seeds.

Ofor Seeds.

Ofor, as the seeds of this plant is indigenously called is a winning soup thickner known for its gelatinous nature and stickiness.
Asides the delicious taste it gives to the many delicacies it is used to prepare, such as; 
Onugbu soup
Native soup(nsala)
Oha soup
Eguisi, etc.
Ofor has several health benefits.;

*Lowers Blood Glucose
 If you are diabetic, you might want to include an ofor oriented meal to your diet.

*Aids Healing of Wounds
Due to the presence of ascorbic acid in the seeds of ofor which is essential for the healing of wounds, if you are injured or perhaps have a case of scurvy, ofor oriented delicacies are a better food choice.

*Contains Essential Elements
Ofor seeds contain carbohydrates, protein, crude fibre, as well as essential elements such as Magnesium, Sodium, Phosphorus and Calcium.

The remainder of the plant is also as important.
-The leaves are used for the treatment of stomach disorders, fever, urinary infection and gonorrhea.
Keep eating healthy, stay safe.

Ehuru (Calabash nutmeg)

Ehuru seeds, gotten from ehuru also called calabash nutmeg is indigenous to Africa and it goes by many names, ehiri, ariwo etc.
Its seed is commonly used as part of a culinary requirement while its plant is used as an ornamental plant in Indonesia.
It is a spice mostly used for Peppersoup, Abacha, nkwobi, Groundnut soup,Black soup,Ofe Akwu, Ugba/Ukpaka, Ose-oji,Eguisi, Ogbono, Banga soup,
Garden egg sauce, Goat meat stew, Ukwa, and Isi ewu.
The best of Ehuru is gotten when roasted, It adds extra flavor to meals.
The timber and bark are useful medicinally as they are used to treat eye diseases, stomach aches, heamorrhoids, amongst others.
The health benefits are numerous, high in carbohydrates which is an excellent energy giver and high in fat but no cholesterol.
It has an excellent value of fiber and that fact, combined with the zero-cholesterol value it has makes the seed an excellent choice of food.
It fights insomnia.
It improves cardiovascular functions.
It promotes cerebral ability.
It detoxifies.
Its a good expectorant(removes phlegm)
It relieves pain.
It promotes sexuality, yes it does, from erectile dysfunction to increase in libido, and acts an an aphrodisiac.
It boosts ovulation and fertility.
It aids easy bowel movement.
It aids weight management.
It controls blood sugar.
All of these combined with the vitamins, minerals, and all other chemical compounds positions Ehuru as one of the most beneficial spices that exists.
Good for pregnant women.

Eat healthy, stay safe.

Tuesday 8 June 2021

The underated benefits of cocoyam and cocoyam leaves.

 Cocoyam and cocoyam leaves

Cocoyam is an important food crop especially in the tropics and subtropics, its cormels and leaves are eaten after cooking.
Do you just use cocoyam as soup thickener or for its health benefits?
Do you know they can be used for more than just soup thickeners? As cakes, puddings(ebiripo), side dishes, chips, etc.
Do you know cocoyam leaves are edible? And also medicinal?
Alright, stay with me.

Cocoyam leaves are known to have appreciable levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and dietary fiber, but these potential health benefits have barely been explored in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
There are numerous health benefits of cocoyam but first things first – let’s get to the superficial stuff! Do you like healthy, full, shiny hair? Eat some cocoyam leaves. One of the best nutrients for your hair is vitamin E. Great news – cocoyam leaves have a lot of vitamin E in them which helps to keep your hair from falling out while also helping it grow by improving your blood flow.

We like pretty skin too don’t we? Well, in addition to vitamin E, cocoyam leaves contain high levels of vitamin A which in combo is super for your skin. It helps keep your skin moisturized and protected from the sun. In fact, if you use cocoyam leaves or a paste on your skin, over time, it helps get rid of blemishes and smoothes out your skin.

.Boost immune system.
One (1) cup of cocoyam leaves contains about 145mg of Vitamin.


.Prevention of cancer.

.Healthy eyes.

.Help digestion and prevent digestive problems.

.Cholesterol level reduction.

.Help in weight loss.

.Reduce inflammation.

.Protect the nervous system.

#Help to treat nicotine addiction.

Cocoyam leaves contain tyrosine. This is a crucial amino acid in the human body. It becomes an adaptogen substance which helps to minimize the effect of nicotine, cocaine, and coffee addiction.

#Increase sperm production.

Cocoyam leaves contain arginine. Arginine is an amino acid which helps to increase sperm production. This makes it good for men.

Benefits of cocoyam during pregnancy.

.Morning nausea

Morning nausea is one of the most common symptoms in women during pregnancy. An adequate amount of vitamin B6 can reduce nausea and vomiting. Cocoyam contains a good amount of vitamin B6 and can help treat morning nausea.

. Prevents low birth weight

Cocoyam contains vitamin B6 that prevents giving birth to low weight babies.

Cocoyam is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C

Cocoyam contains antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin C. They help fight common diseases and prevent oxidative stress. Also protecting against cancer.

Cocoyam aids digestion

Raging hormones, uterus development, etc all can affect your digestive system. Cocoyam contains healthy starches that are easy to digest. Cocoyam also contains dietary fiber, which treats constipation.

Prevents anemia

Anemia is one of the common problem that occur amid pregnancy. Cocoyam contains minerals such as zinc, copper and iron. All play an important role in the prevention and treatment of anemia.

A good source of Vitamin A

Cocoyam gives about 166 IU of vitamin A per serving cup. You need this vitamin to ensure that the baby’s immune system remains healthy and strong. So add cocoyam into your diet and make sure your baby is healthy.

As well as developing healthy teeth and bones, you must have strong bones, especially during pregnancy. Your growing baby also needs calcium to build bones. You need a good calcium dose. It is so logical to add cocoyam to your diet as it contains 19 mg of calcium per meal.

Pre-eclampsia prevention during pregnancy.

Pre-eclampsia prevention is a very dangerous condition endangering the health and life of mother and child. It is still one of the main uses of cocoyam.
During pregnancy, women may have many complications. Preeclampsia is a type of complication caused by high blood pressure. It can cause damage to other organs. Most of the time, it hampers the kidneys. The magnesium element in cocoyam leaves may reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia.

***Boiled cocoyam therefore is of high glycaemic index and should be combined with low glycaemic index food for it to be suitable for diabetic subjects.

    Cocoyam soup recipe (bitterleaf)
                      (Ofe onugbu).      




Stock fish


Ice fish

Yellow pepper


Red oil



cubes Knorr


Cook your cocoyam to become really soft,peel off the back and pound in a mortar
.Put your stockfish, meat and fish together in a pot and add your seasoning cubes,salt,onion and cook until they are soft.
.Pound your yellow pepper, ogiri and crayfish together in a mortar.these give the soup special aroma and taste.
.Wash your bitterleaf very well until it becomes less bitter.. I prefer the long ones because I love chewing them while eating

After you have prepared all these, pour the stock in a bigger pot add more water if the stock is not enough, let it boil, then add Palm oil,
Pounded yellow pepper,
Crayfish and allow to boil, taste for salt, add if need be then add your pounded cocoyam in bits(this is for dissolving of the cocoyam) cover your pot and allow to boil.
After the cocoyam paste must have dissolved, add bitterleaf.

Cover it and allow to boil over again and that's it... your yummy bitterleaf soup is ready to be served.


Eat healthy and stay safe.